As everyone knows, I can't resist making websites for things I enjoy. So I made a place to store Grobots - The Grobot Repository. It even has a geeky RSS feed, so that I can subcribe to the site with my wonderful news reader.
Lately I've been having a lot of fun playing Grobots. It's a programming game, but what makes it different from all the others is the fact that your robot can build more robots during the game.
My current Grobot runs into a corner and begins building more factory robots. The factory robots form into a line, and begin spewing more factories, as well as two sizes of suicide bomb robots. My big bombs have enough shields to run into a withering hail of bullets and explode next to enemy growbots. The tiny bombs provide bait to suck up enemy bombs. It won the latest Tournament with a score of 55% (Second place had 15%) .
The Buckie-Dog took Best of Breed today at the Columbia Kennel Club Dog Show. It's his first show as a champion, and it is fun to see him keep winning even with running with the big dogs. Buckie, of course, was enjoying every minute of the show.
Did you know that the same woman that made the "happy face mac" shown on all Apple compters as they boot up, did most of the first apple OS icons, and also did many of the icons used in Windows 3.0? Susan Kare even did the cards in Windows Soliaire! Quite a portfolio.
AT&Ts Natural Voice Demo is pretty cool. I've been wasting way to much time playing with it this afternoon...
The Bucky-dog found his gift package that he recieved for finishing (getting his AKC Championship), a little early. He spread the contents all over the living room. :)
I was able to pull up a cached copy of, and at least get my layout back.
Well, I just accidently erased my whole blog! Teach me not to back things up before playing with new software. :)
Anyway, here was chain of events.
* Upgraged to blaap v3
* Put in the rsync info into blapp. (I had been using my own script to rsync previously.)
* Pressed publish.
* Looking at my site, I see duplicate copies of every post on my blog.
* I figure I'll erase the public site and republish to clear things up.
* ssh to webserver. rm -rf on blog directory
* Press publish.
* Everything gone on both the webserver, and on my computer!
* ::crys::
Fortunatly I had only been blogging for about four days, so It's not like I lost a year's worth of work. But do take a lesson, guys, and back your blogs up! :)