Daniel Von Fange

Life, Code, and Cool Stuff


I thank God for hospitable people with barns.

Giant Cavern Entrance

Yesterday evening, LB and walked around under the I-77 bridge. She took this photo.

Storm Coming

Some rough looking clouds were trekking the sky, muttering and curling fingers, as I drove home. Later in the evening, a tornado was spotted 20 miles north west of us.

The sirens around town went off to people to turn their radios or TV’s on and hear the the storm and tornado warnings. LB and I went outside to watch the sky as the storm came, but the rough stuff passed north of us and we were only rained on.

Deep Woods

Not Photoshopped. Shot through wire screen.

Bit Dust

I beg your patience, as over the next few weeks I slowly merge my two previous blogs into this one.

You’ll have a close up view as I finish this out.