Daniel Von Fange

Life, Code, and Cool Stuff

Minding the Puppy.

<p>I got to baby-sit a 55 pound Greater Swiss Mountain Dog puppy last week.  </p>

<p><img src="http://www.braino.org/blog/images/puppy.jpg" height="160" width="200" align="none" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0"></p>

<p>This little bit of text below has been posted all over the internet, but I stumbled on it yesterday and it felt strangely familiar.</p>

    <li>Pour cold apple juice on the carpet in several places and walk around <br />

barefoot in the dark. (Well, he did it on tile at least.)

    <li>Wear a sock to work that has had the toes shredded by a blender. (<i>He didn&#8217;t shred, just chewed it</i>)</li>
    <li>Immediately upon waking, stand outside in the rain and dark saying, &#8220;Be a good puppy, go potty now &#8211; hurry up &#8211; come on, lets go!&#8221; (<i>We did this one</i>)</li>
    <li>Cover all your best suits with dog hair. Dark suits must use white hair, and light suits must use dark hair. Also float some hair in your first cup of coffee in the morning. (<i>I&#8217;m used to dog hair. Does not bother me</i>)</li>
    <li>Play &#8220;catch&#8221; with a wet tennis ball. (<i>We used one of his stuffed toys. It was still wet</i>)</li>
    <li>Run out in the snow in your bare feet to close the gate. (<i>I avoided this one. It&#8217;s summer</i>)</li>
    <li>Tip over a basket of clean laundry, scatter clothing all over the floor. (<i>He got my bother&#8217;s laundry, not mine.</i> )</li>
    <li>Leave your underwear on the living room floor, because that&#8217;s where the dog will drag it anyway. (<i>Socks. He likes socks</i>) </li>
    <li>Jump out of your chair shortly before the end of your favorite TV program and run to the door shouting, &#8220;No no! Do that OUTSIDE!&#8221; Miss the end of the program. (<i>yup, yup</i>)</li>
    <li>Put chocolate pudding on the carpet in the morning, and don&#8217;t try to clean it up until you return from work that evening. (<i>I work at home. Did not have to deal with this one</i>)</li>
    <li>Gouge the leg of the dinning room table several times with a screwdriver &#8211; it&#8217;s going to get chewed on anyway. (<i>He used the big dogs to chew on</i>)</li>
    <li>Take a warm and cuddly blanket out of the dryer and immediately wrap it around yourself. This is the feeling you will get when your puppy falls asleep on your lap. (<i>This one does not apply to Cowboy-Puppy. He does not like laps. And he like to chomp on hands.</i>)</li>